Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Vegetarian Diet-Family Pizza-Meat-Nuts

Skip Meat One Day a Week: Part of becoming healthier is learning what works best...

Skip Meat One Day a Week: Part of becoming healthier is learning what works best for your body, and that means experimenting to some extent with different ways of eating. Some people thrive on a vegan or vegetarian diet, while others need animal proteins. Starting this week, make it a habit to try going meat-free one day a week for a couple months, and write down how you feel. Clean Plates - The eating guide for every bodywww.cleanplates.comThe easiest way to eat healthier and more sustainably. read more..


'Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts.'Not sure who said it...

"Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts." Not sure who said it but we can relate! Can you? http://ow.ly/8BnXDHost a Family Pizza Partyow.lyA slice of family fun: Teach your kids that you can be healthy and still enjoy your favorite foods with these delicious pizza recipes. read more..


Prescription Medications-Do Fancy Running Shoes-Medical Devices-Insulin Pump-Research

We've been hearing more and more about people with medical devices and/or prescr...

We've been hearing more and more about people with medical devices and/or prescription medications being detained by the TSA at the airport. Has this ever happened to you? If so what happened?TSA mistakes insulin pump for gun, causing LAX security scarelatimesblogs.latimes.comAn insulin pump mistaken for a gun at LAX led officials to delay boarding and screening Friday morning at Terminal 4 as authorities searched for a woman who they thought had a weapon, law enforcement sources said. read more..


Do fancy running shoes help protect you from injury? Some research says that the...

Do fancy running shoes help protect you from injury? Some Research says that they don't at all. Phys Ed: Do Certain Types of Sneakers Prevent Injuries?well.blogs.nytimes.comNew studies look at whether the practice of assigning running shoes by foot shape actually works. read more..


Monday, 30 January 2012

Oral Birth Control-Menstrual Pain-Instructor-Yoga Class-Science

Science proves the obvious yet again.

Science proves the obvious yet again.Birth Control Pills Provide Real Relief from Menstrual Pain | Healthland | TIME.comhealthland.time.comFor decades, doctors have prescribed birth-control pills in the hopes of easing women's menstrual pain, and now a new study finds that it really does serve the purpose: using oral birth control pills helped relieve cramps, bloating and other pain in a 30-year study of Swedish women. read more..


Who should be allowed to teach yoga? Have you ever had an instructor push you to...

Who should be allowed to teach yoga? Have you ever had an instructor push you too hard? Who should be allowed to teach yoga? - CNN.comwww.cnn.comJoe Palese took his first yoga class in the 1990s, right as the practice began gaining in popularity in the United States. read more..


Aveeno Baby Lotion-Fat Burning-Teaser-Foods

Ooops, we posted a teaser on fat-burning foods earlier and forgot the link. Here...

Ooops, we posted a teaser on fat-burning Foods earlier and forgot the link. Here it is! (maybe we need memory boosting foods?)The Top Fat Burning Foodswww.health.comBoost your metabolism: Certain foods have a very high thermogenic effect, so you literally burn calories as you chew. Other eats contain nutrients and compounds that boost your metabolic rate. Feed your metabolism with these. read more..


Aveeno baby lotion recall! We use this stuff all the time and thought you should...

Aveeno baby lotion recall! We use this stuff all the time and thought you should know...Maker recalls 2,200 tubes of Aveeno baby lotion - CNN.comwww.cnn.comJohnson & Johnson announced Friday it is voluntarily recalling a single lot of Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Lotion. read more..


Positive Reinforcement-Prescription Medicine-Unexpected Gifts-Healthday News-Health News

Read this if you or someone you know forgets to take their prescription medicine.

Read this if you or someone you know forgets to take their prescription medicine. Positive Reinforcement May Help Patients Take Their Meds - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comFRIDAY, Jan. 27 (Healthday News) — Positive reinforcement, such as receiving small, unexpected gifts and introducing upbeat thoughts into daily routines, seems to help patients with high blood pressure take their medication as directed, according to a new study of black Americans.The findings are si... read more..


Television Personality-Joe Bastianich-Seafood Pasta-Turtlenecks-Smooth Skin

Thank goodness for turtlenecks and tights to cover winter's super-dry skin, righ...

Thank goodness for turtlenecks and tights to cover winter's super-dry skin, right? Well it turns out you don't have to hide under layers and layers of clothes. Here's how to enjoy silky, smooth skin all season long.Get Silky, Smooth Skin All Winter Longow.lySoften up all over: Still treating your skin and hair the same way you did last winterand dealing with all the same concerns? (Think scaly skin,... read more..


Our Recipe of the Day is brought to you by famed foodie Joe Bastianich. Dig into...

Our Recipe of the Day is brought to you by famed foodie Joe Bastianich. Dig into his seafood pasta!Scoglio (Seafood Pasta)ow.lyScoglio (Seafood Pasta) - Joe Bastianich is a famed restaurateur, winemaker, author, and television personality. Bastianich is a judge on the hit... read more..


Sunday, 29 January 2012

Wednesday Afternoon-Childhood Vaccines-Toxic Chemicals-Jeff Harris-Yikes

Your sad but uplifting Wednesday afternoon pick-me-up:

Your sad but uplifting Wednesday afternoon pick-me-up:Jeff Harris: 4,748 Self-Portraits and Counting | LightBox | TIME.comlightbox.time.comIn an effort to record the year of his life leading up to the millennium, Jeff Harris took a self-portrait each day and posted them to his website. 2012 marks year fourteen of this inspired and ever-evolving art project that documents a life well lived. read more..


Yikes! We have got to get these toxic chemicals out of kids' lives. What's your...

Yikes! We have got to get these toxic chemicals out of kids' lives. What's your take on the issue? http://ow.ly/8FLoeCommon Chemicals May Weaken Effect of Childhood Vaccines, Immune System...ow.lyTUESDAY, January 24, 2012 — Certain vaccines may not work as well in children who have been exposed to high levels of perfluorinated compounds... read more..


Vegetarian Lasagna-Bethenny Frankel-Veggie Lasagna-George Eliot-Ingredients

All it takes is 6 ingredients and less than an hour to make Bethenny Frankel's s...

All it takes is 6 ingredients and less than an hour to make Bethenny Frankel's super flavorful Pesto Vegetarian Lasagna. Try it tonight for dinner! http://ow.ly/8DysgBethenny's Pesto Vegetarian Lasagnaow.lyLove lasagna, but don’t like the superheavy ones? Bethenny Frankel's go-to version is a veggie lasagna that’s greener and fresher tasting (this... read more..


'It is never too late to be what you might have been.' - George Eliot http://ow...

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot http://ow.ly/8BnT7Live Life to the Fullestow.lyWhat you eat can affect the way you feelin a good way. You just need to choose wisely. So skip the chocolate and chips, and instead opt for these... read more..


Text Messaging-Healthday News-Text Message-Health News-Corn Syrup

Does texting make lying too easy?

Does texting make lying too easy?People May Lie More When Texting: Study - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comFRIDAY, Jan. 27 (Healthday News) — Folks might fib more frequently when text messaging, a new study suggests.Researchers say it may be easier for people to lie in a text message than when they communicate through video or in person because they don’t feel as scrutinized.The new study was led by Davi... read more..


Sugar Versus Corn Syrup: Round 12 http://ow.ly/8JhJV

Sugar Versus Corn Syrup: Round 12 http://ow.ly/8JhJVStudy: Sugar & HFCS Not As Identical As Some Would Have You Believe -...ow.lyWhile the corn industry waits on the FDA to decide whether or not it can have high fructose corn sugar (HFCS) relabeled with the marketing-friendly read more..


Saturday, 28 January 2012

San Francisco International Airport-Sex And Relationships-Stress Relief-Yoga Room

Here's a trend we can get behind: Yoga rooms at the airport! What other healthy...

Here's a trend we can get behind: Yoga rooms at the airport! What other healthy trends would you like to see? ‘Yoga Room’ To Provide Stress Relief For SFO Passengerssanfrancisco.cbslocal.comGetting through the long lines, lost luggage and body scans at the airport can be stressful. A new program at San Francisco International Airport hopes to ease your tension. read more..


Everyone at Health clicked on this today...

Everyone at Health clicked on this today...Why I orgasmed in an MRI scannerthechart.blogs.cnn.comKayt Sukel is a passionate science writer and the author of "Dirty Minds: How our brains influence love, sex and relationships" -- an edgy, irreverent book that examines all the ways our neurons can wreak havoc with our hearts. read more..


University Of Western Australia-Archives Of Internal Medicine-Pregnancy Success Rates

Would you try acupuncture for fertility?

Would you try acupuncture for fertility?Acupuncture May Boost Pregnancy Success Rates - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comBy Serena GordonHealthDay ReporterFRIDAY, Jan. 27 (Healthday News) — When a couple is trying to have a baby and can’t, it can be emotionally and financially draining. But help may be available in an unexpected form: acupuncture. Medical experts believe that this ancient therapy from China, which inv... read more..


Here's a reason to take a tea break!

Here's a reason to take a tea break!More Black Tea Lowers Blood Pressurewww.medicalnewstoday.comTea, the second most consumed drink after water, may help lower blood pressure. Scientists at The University Of Western Australia and Unilever, state in Archives of Internal Medicine, tha read more..


Federal Health Officials-Health Screenings-Healthday News-Breast Cancer-Health News

We wonder if fewer Americans are getting screened because it takes too long to g...

We wonder if fewer Americans are getting screened because it takes too long to get an appointment, or if insurance doesn't always cover it? Is anyone on this board behind in health screenings? If so, why? Too Few Americans Getting Screened for Common Cancers: CDC - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comBy Steven ReinbergHealthDay ReporterTHURSDAY, Jan. 26 (Healthday News) — The number of Americans being screened for colon, breast and cervical cancers still fall below national targets, federal health officials said Thursday.In 2010, 72.4 percent of women were being screened for Breast Cancer, below... read more..


Friday, 27 January 2012

Stanford Hospital And Clinics-Electronic Medical Records-Physical Pain-Men And Women

A new study finds that women feel physical pain more intensely than men. Do you...

A new study finds that women feel physical pain more intensely than men. Do you agree?Men vs. Women on Pain: Who Hurts More? | Healthland | TIME.comhealthland.time.comWomen feel pain more intensely than men, according to a new study of 11,000 men and women who were patients at the Stanford Hospital and Clinics. Researchers analyzed electronic medical records of patients’ reports of pain across a range of different diseases, and found a distinct gender-driven... read more..


Recipe trend: Mini meals. Sometimes a dish is so yummy you don't need a huge por...

Recipe trend: Mini meals. Sometimes a dish is so yummy you don't need a huge portion! http://ow.ly/8FLUG11 Delicious Mini Mealsow.lyBigger isn’t always better: These tasty nibbles have all the flavor of full-sized meals and desserts but half the calories. read more..


Government Health Officials-American Women-Healthday News-Home Births-Health News

American women are all about having home births these days. What do you think?

American women are all about having home births these days. What do you think?More U.S. Babies Born at Home: CDC - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comBy Steven ReinbergHealthDay ReporterTHURSDAY, Jan. 26 (Healthday News) — The rate of home births in the United States has made a dramatic upturn since 2004, reversing a trend of decline throughout the 1990s, Government Health Officials said Thursday.Births taking place outside of the traditional hos... read more..


Physical Preparation-We Love Ski Season-Healthday News-Health News

We love ski season but we hate the thought of getting hurt on the slopes—eep. Re...

We love ski season but we hate the thought of getting hurt on the slopes—Eep. Read up and protect yourself. Protect Yourself From Ski-Fatigue Injuries - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comSATURDAY, Jan. 21 (Healthday News) — Muscle fatigue at the end of a day of skiing or snowboarding can lead to sloppy technique and potentially season-ending injuries, warns an expert.But physical preparation can help protect against injury, said Dr. Ed Laskowski, co-director of the Mayo Clinic Sport... read more..


Thursday, 26 January 2012

Unemployed Americans-Prescription Drugs-Health Insurance-Health Officials-Health Outcomes

Unemployed Americans who have insurance aren't even getting the healthcare they...

Unemployed Americans who have insurance aren't even getting the healthcare they need. Will healthcare reform help?Even With Insurance, Unemployed Have Worse Health Outcomes - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comBy Steven ReinbergHealthDay ReporterTUESDAY, Jan. 24 (Healthday News) — People without jobs who have health insurance are less likely to get medical care or prescription drugs than people with jobs who have such coverage, U.S. Health Officials reported Tuesday.During the depths of the recent recess... read more..


Flavorful Foods-Delicious Foods-Healthy Choice-Conagra Foods

What's your fave frozen meal? Here's a coupon (it's progressive, so the more peo...

What's your fave frozen meal? Here's a coupon (it's progressive, so the more people you share it with, the higher it grows in value!) for Healthy Choice meals.Healthy ChoiceWith Healthy Choice, you can enjoy a more healthful lifestyle without giving up the flavorful foods you love. Our chefs create delicious foods that meet or exceed the highest nutritional standards, while using innovative cooking technologies like steaming to heighten flavor, optimize texture and maximize crispness. From savory soups to great-tasting meals and snacks, you can find Healthy Choice throughout the grocery store and feel confident that you’re making smart decisions about what you eat. Brands with “healthy” in their name are held to a higher nutrition standard set by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Healthy Choice is the only major brand in its category that can call 100% of its products “healthy” as approved by the FDA. This means that each meal must have: • Low fat • Low saturated fat • Controlled sodium and cholesterol • 10% of the daily value for three beneficial nutrients (e.g., calcium, protein, fiber, iron, vitamin A or vitamin C) Company History The Healthy Choice story began with former ConAgra Foods CEO Charles "Mike" Harper. While traveling through California on business, this hot-fudge-sundae lover suffered a mild heart attack. Although he made a full recovery, he needed to re-evaluate his eating habits. So he began a search for foods that satisfied both his taste and health needs. When his search proved unsuccessful, he took it upon himself to bring to market products that taste good and are good for you. And that's how Healthy Choice was born. read more..


Apple Varieties-Red Delicious-Jivamukti-Skin

Red Delicious is the most widely recognized U.S. apple. What's your favorite apple?

Red Delicious is the most widely recognized U.S. apple. What's your favorite apple?U.S. Apple Association Blog | Blogging for Appleswww.usappleblog.orgRed Delicious, the most widely recognized of all U.S. apple varieties, originated in Iowa in the 1870s. This sweet, juicy apple with its showy color that ranges from deep solid to striped is perfect for adding a punch of color and crunch to a salad, or for eating out of hand. Western Red Delicious a... read more..


If you thought yoga was synonymous with showing some skin, Jivamukti would like...

If you thought yoga was synonymous with showing some Skin, Jivamukti would like you to know that you're out of line.Jivamukti tells yogis to put some clothes on | Well+Good NYCwww.wellandgoodnyc.comJivamukti has a new rule at its Union Square studio: No shirt, no shoes, no yoga. (Okay, we're lying about the shoes part.) read more..


Wednesday, 25 January 2012

New Year's Resolution-Face Of The Earth

Your dream date fell off the face of the earth after date number two. Would you...

Your dream date fell off the face of the earth after date number two. Would you ever get in touch to ask what went wrong? Report back if you've used any of these apps or sites!Five New Tech Tools to Complicate Your Love Lifejezebel.comOnline dating is practically quaint at this point, so comfortable have we become with trusting our love lives to the interwebs. With that in mind, developers have come up with a whole new crop of apps and sites to make love, sex, and dating better — read more..


Remember your New Year's resolution to get fit? Try one of these amazing classes...

Remember your New Year's resolution to get fit? Try one of these amazing classes to kickstart your workout! http://ow.ly/8Bnzo5 Great New Classes to You Get Fitow.lyMake fat-burning fun: Is your usual workout getting boring? Good news: you can make fat-burning fun again with some new supercharged exercises. Try... read more..


New Year's Resolution-Health Benefits-The Research-Claims-Tea

Our New Year's Resolution is to connect with old friends who we've lost touch wi...

Our New Year's Resolution is to connect with old friends who we've lost touch with. Same for you? Who do you want to say "hi stranger" to...? It could make you healthier! How Friends Make You Healthierwww.health.comSocialize for your health's sake: Having a full social life that includes socializing with relatives, friends, and others is one of the best ways to stay healthy. read more..


Tea is super healthy for you right? We filtered all the research and claims and...

Tea is super healthy for you right? We filtered all the research and claims and came out with the truth about the health benefits of this drink http://ow.ly/86Xw4The Truth About the Health Benefits of Teaow.lyDoes tea really fight cancer? Lower cholesterol? We filter the research to find out just how useful these leafy brews are. read more..


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Slightest Idea-Healthy Weight-Bedroom-Women

Is your bedroom 'healthy'? If you haven't the slightest idea, find out here. And...

Is your bedroom "healthy"? If you haven't the slightest idea, find out here. And if it turns out your space didn't fare so well, make some easy changes and we're confident you'll sleep soundly! Zzzzz....How Healthy is Your Bedroom?ow.lyIt’s not just somewhere you snooze. The 8-plus hours you spend there each night could affect your stress level, your sex life, even your health.... read more..


Have you lost 40+ pounds in a healthy way? We're looking for women in the U.S. a...

Have you lost 40+ pounds in a healthy way? We're looking for Women in the U.S. ages 35-52 who are now at a healthy weight. If interested, send a paragraph about your story, your weight and height, a before photo, and your BEST after photo to weightloss_health@yahoo.com. read more..


Convenience Foods-Delicious Drinks-Cocktail Party-Diet Cookbook-Healthy Menu

Whether you're looking for healthier way to shop, or some new foods to liven up...

Whether you're looking for healthier way to shop, or some new foods to liven up your cart, we've got the convenience foods that you can feel good about. Shop smarter now!Health's Food Awards: The Best New Eats of 2011ow.lyGood-for-you grub: Who says you have to shop the perimeter of the grocery store to be healthy? We put 500 new convenience foods to the test and... read more..


Are you hosting a New Years Eve party? We've got your healthy menu covered with...

Are you hosting a New Years Eve party? We've got your healthy menu covered with these recipes from the new CarbLovers Diet Cookbook. http://ow.ly/86Xo4The CarbLovers Cocktail Party Menuow.lyCocktail party picks: Drinks and apps on a diet? Sure! Our light and delicious drinks and superslim bites will wow guests without weighing them down. read more..


Dangerous Doctors-Baby Boomers

Feeling overwhelmed by a shockingly long list of to-dos? Here, eight tips to str...

Feeling overwhelmed by a shockingly long list of to-dos? Here, eight tips to streamline your life in 2012. What's one way you've started simplifying?8 Ways to Simplify Your Life in 2012www.health.comResolutions for the new year: Streamline your workouts, your morning makeup, even your resolution list. Here are eight New Year tips on how to look better and improve your health for 2012. read more..


Don't fall for these anti-aging scams! Also, read the list of 6 dangerous doctor...

Don't fall for these anti-aging scams! Also, read the list of 6 dangerous doctors you should avoid...The risks of anti-aging medicine - CNN.comwww.cnn.comToday, thousands of physicians are catering to the 78 million baby boomers who are hoping to feel younger, longer. read more..


Monday, 23 January 2012

Sexual Satisfaction-Healthday News-Gym Routine

Bored with your typical gym routine? Try one of these fun, fresh classes! Which...

Bored with your typical gym routine? Try one of these fun, fresh classes! Which one fits your exercise style?5 Great New Classes to You Get Fitwww.health.comMake fat-burning fun: Is your usual workout getting boring? Good news: you can make fat-burning fun again with some new supercharged exercises. Try one of these five fun, fresh classes that some of the fittest women in Hollywood are taking to get your best body ever. read more..


Here's something to look forward to, girls! Sexual satisfaction rises with age!...

Here's something to look forward to, girls! Sexual satisfaction rises with age! http://ow.ly/8hjypWomen’s Sexual Satisfaction Often Rises With Age: Study - Health News -...ow.lyTUESDAY, Jan. 3 (Healthday News) — Sexual satisfaction increases with age among sexually active older women, according to a new study, while those... read more..


Overwhelming Feelings-Physical Trauma-Heart Attacks-Health News

Grief is more than a burden to your soul. It seems it can trigger a heart attack...

Grief is more than a burden to your soul. It seems it can trigger a Heart Attack too. What do you think about this compelling new research that links strong emotions to physical trauma? Grief May Trigger Heart Attacks - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comLosing a loved one can bring overwhelming feelings of grief, depression, and anger. For some people, the shock and stress of bereavement may even bring on a heart attack. read more..


Type 2 Diabetes-Healthday News-Breast Cancer-Paula Deen

While we doubt Paula Deen gets the blue very often, a new study suggests it make...

While we doubt Paula Deen gets the blue very often, a new study suggests it makes sense to treat diabetes and depression together. http://ow.ly/8BnovTreating Diabetes, Depression Together May Make Sense - Health News -...ow.lyFRIDAY, Jan. 20 (Healthday News) — Patients with depression and type 2 diabetes showed more improvement when they received simultaneous treatment... read more..


Share this with anyone you know who has been diagnosed with breast cancer! http:...

Share this with anyone you know who has been diagnosed with breast cancer! http://ow.ly/8BnpDMany Breast Cancer Patients Uninformed About Options: Study - Health...ow.lyBy Madonna BehenHealthDay ReporterFRIDAY, Jan. 20 (Healthday News) — In too many cases, doctors aren’t doing a good job of informing American women... read more..


15 Minutes Of Fame-Thyroid Condition-Discolored Skin-Heart Disease-Excess Weight

Did you know wrinkles can signal osteoporosis, swollen feet can mean heart disea...

Did you know wrinkles can signal osteoporosis, swollen feet can mean Heart Disease, and excess weight can mean indicate a thyroid condition? Find out what else your appearance is trying to tell you about your health here! What Your Looks Say About Your Healthwww.health.comGood looks, good health?: What wrinkles, weight gain, discolored skin, and bad teeth can reveal about your health. read more..


“In the future we'll all have 15 minutes of fame and 15 minutes of healthcare.”...

“In the future we'll all have 15 minutes of fame and 15 minutes of healthcare.” - Nicole Holander http://ow.ly/8f9YhMoney Trouble? 14 Depression-Fighting Tipsow.lyWhen money ruins your mood: Many people are having a tough time paying bills; others are in even more grim economic straits. Read on for tips on... read more..


Sunday, 22 January 2012

Nutritious Breakfast Recipes-Good Morning-Rudeness

Our sister mag Real Simple is tackling an emerging bad habit: the rudeness that...

Our sister mag Real Simple is tackling an emerging bad habit: the rudeness that seems to run rampant on the Web. They created a custom Facebook app featuring 5 shareable digital cards that redefine common negative acronyms like WTF and FU (scandalous for Real Simple). You'll LOVE it! Real SimpleREAL SIMPLE makes life easier by giving creative, practical, and inspiring solutions for both the everyday and special occasions. read more..


Good Morning! What did everyone have for breakfast this a.m.? If you want to liv...

Good Morning! What did everyone have for breakfast this a.m.? If you want to liven it up without trashing your resolutions to eat healthier, here's your shot (and the recipes too!).7 Breakfasts Under 300 Caloriesow.lyRise-and-shine recipes: Start your morning off with these seven low-cal and nutritious breakfast recipes. read more..


Stress And Heart Disease

'Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling.' Love thi...

"Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling." Love this quote by Margaret B. Runbeck! What manner are you traveling in?Self-Compassion: The New Secret to Being Slim, Fit, and Happy for Lifeow.lySurprise: going easy on yourself and having self compassion is a secret success weapon. Here's how being your own biggest fan can actually help you... read more..


Did you know that the stress you feel every day can harm your heart too? Here's...

Did you know that the Stress you feel every day can harm your heart too? Here's 12 need-to-know facts about stress and heart disease, and tips on how you can manage both!12 Ways to Fight Stress and Help Your Heartwww.health.comCan stress hurt your heart? The evidence is piling up that the answer is yes, stress is bad for your ticker. read more..


Saturday, 21 January 2012

Weather Changes-Harsh Winter-Smooth Skin-Silky Skin

Avocados are loaded with heart-healthy fats. But if you're like us, you might be...

Avocados are loaded with heart-healthy fats. But if you're like us, you might be wondering what else to do with them other than guac and sandwiches. Here are three chefs to the rescue with innovative recipes.What Can You Make With Avocado?ow.lyDelicious avocado recipes: Three star chefs share their recipes and cook up fresh dishes with this heart-healthy fat: avocado. read more..


When the weather changes, so should your beauty routine. Keep that moisturized a...

When the weather changes, so should your beauty routine. Keep that moisturized and silky skin all year (even during the harsh winter months) with these tips.Get Silky, Smooth Skin All Winter Longow.lySoften up all over: Still treating your skin and hair the same way you did last winterand dealing with all the same concerns? (Think scaly skin,... read more..


Extramarital Affair-Heart Patients-Heart Disease-Depression

Get this: Having sex is pretty safe if you have heart disease, UNLESS it's sex i...

Get this: Having sex is pretty safe if you have Heart Disease, UNLESS it's sex in an extramarital affair. Poetic justice?Sex Safe for Heart Patients Not Having an Extramarital Affair - Businessweekwww.businessweek.comMost people being treated for heart disease can safely have sex, according to research that also suggests the risk of sudden cardiac death may rise for men when the amorous activity occurs during an extramarital affair. read more..


Is there a good reason for feeling sad? Some scientists argue that depression is...

Is there a good reason for feeling sad? Some scientists argue that depression is not only natural, but actually beneficial.Depression Defies Rush to Find Evolutionary Upsidewww.nytimes.comThere is a line to be drawn between any insights from sadness and the debility of a clinical condition. read more..


Health Magazine-Cravings Quiz-Health News-Sleep

Take our cravings quiz! (On the bottom right of our homepage). Also tell us: Wha...

Take our cravings quiz! (On the bottom right of our homepage). Also tell us: What kinds of tastes do you tend to crave: Sugary ones like cookies, chocolate, salty ones like chips, fatty foods like fries, crunchy foods, creamy ones like Brie, acidic ones like wine? Health.com: Health News, Wellness, and Medical Informationwww.health.comHealth.com and Health Magazine provide up-to-date news and information about medicine, wellness, diet, nutrition, fitness, recipes, and weight-loss. Health.com combines expert medical information with the insights of real patients. read more..


Are you getting enough shut-eye? Sleeping for 7-8 hours a night could be the key...

Are you getting enough shut-eye? Sleeping for 7-8 hours a night could be the key to dropping pounds.Sleep Could Be Key To Weight Losspittsburgh.cbslocal.comSo, you've made your New Year's resolutions and you've been sticking to it: eating right, exercising regularly. But your weight hasn't budged. What gives? Well, maybe it's your sleep. read more..


College Degree-Mental Fitness-Social Purpose-Decade

Psst...did you hear the latest? Gossip can be good for your health. Pass it on!

Psst...did you hear the latest? Gossip can be good for your health. Pass it on! Gossip may have social purpose, study saysthechart.blogs.cnn.com"Did you hear what she did?" "Guess what I just found out about our new co-worker!" These could be the starts of nasty rumors, but a new study suggests the act of gossiping can also serve important purposes in maintaining social order. read more..


This just in: A college degree can slow your brain's aging process by up to a de...

This just in: A college degree can slow your brain's aging process by up to a decade. Wow!Boosting Mental Fitness in Middle Agewell.blogs.nytimes.comFor those in midlife and beyond, a college degree appears to slow the brain's aging process by up to a decade, adding a new twist to the cost-benefit analysis of higher education. read more..


Friday, 20 January 2012

Smart Snacks-Chocolate-Newsflash-Divorce-Cheese

Here's a newsflash we didn't see coming...sex gets better later in life, after d...

Here's a newsflash we didn't see coming...sex gets better later in life, after divorce. Is this true for you or anyone you know? Sex after divorce: Does it get better?thechart.blogs.cnn.comIan Kerner, a sexuality counselor and New York Times best-selling author, blogs about sex on Thursdays on The Chart. Read more from him on his website, GoodInBed. read more..


When a craving hits, what do you reach for (cookies, chocolate, fries, cheese,...

When a craving hits, what do you reach for (cookies, Chocolate, fries, cheese, chips, something else)? Whatever it is, we want to know!Satisfying Snacks for Every Cravingwww.health.comSmart snacks from the Carblovers Diet: Get your fix and stay slim anyway with these smart snacks from the CarbLovers Diet. read more..


Produce Manager-Meryl Streep

'It's bizarre that the produce manageris more important to my children's health...

"It's bizarre that the produce manager is more important to my children's health than the pediatrician." -Meryl Streep. Hey, it's not bizarre to us! http://ow.ly/8xKhkEat More Veggies: 5 Easy Raw Food Recipesow.lyWhy go raw?: Ever since your mom force-fed you broccoli, you've known that raw foods are good for your health and your waistline. Here are 5... read more..


Is asserting yourself un-feminine?

Is asserting yourself un-feminine? How To Quit Worrying About Being Bitchy and Actually Assert Yourselfjezebel.comWhen you're a lady — even if you're smart, together, and tough — standing up for yourself can be pretty difficult. Women are supposed to smooth things over, be nice to everybody, and defuse conflict rather than cause it — read more..


Is Anyone Else Exhausted-Jimmy Kimmel-Heartburn-Sandwich-Whoops

Whoops, just ate a giant falafal sandwich and it's coming back to me. What foods...

Whoops, just ate a giant falafal Sandwich and it's coming back to me. What foods give you heartburn? Here are some proven tips to stop it in its tracks. 7 Daily Habits That Can Halt Heartburnwww.health.comEat Right, Ease Heartburn: Sure there are medications to help curb heartburn. But changing your lifestyle is equally important. Check out these 7 daily habits that can help make your heartburn past history. read more..


Is anyone else exhausted today? We were comforted to see that Jimmy Kimmel falls...

Is anyone else exhausted today? We were comforted to see that Jimmy Kimmel falls asleep at work sometimes, too.Celebrity Sleep Secrets, and What You Can Learn From Themwww.health.comWho's sleeping, who's not?: A slideshow of celebrities and their sleep issues. read more..


Thursday, 19 January 2012

What The Yuck! Worried-Football Players-Health Magazine-Most Dangerous-Excess Weight

We're loving football season...but starting to think it is the most dangerous sp...

We're loving football season...but starting to think it is the most dangerous sport. What's your take on the health risks players take these days?Head Injuries and Excess Weight a Hazardous Combo for NFL Players - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comProfessional football players already vulnerable to memory loss and cognitive problems stemming from repetitive head injuries may be at even greater risk if they also carry excess weight, as many of them do. read more..


What the Yuck! Worried about pimples 'down there'? We've got answers...

What the Yuck! Worried about pimples "down there"? We've got answers...Embarrassing Questions: Should I Worry About Pimples "Down There"?ow.lyhoto ip200 " Getty Images From Health magazine Q. I get a pimple “down there” every so often. It always goes away, but should I be... read more..


Effects Of Alcohol-Fetal Development-Pregnant Ladies-Pregnant Women-Fair Share

Share this with the pregnant women you know: A new study finds that alcohol is n...

Share this with the pregnant women you know: A new study finds that alcohol is never safe for a developing fetus—even right at the beginning. We've seen our fair share of pregnant ladies sipping wine at dinner, have you?Alcohol Never Safe for Developing Babies During Pregnancy | Healthland | TIME.comhealthland.time.comDrinking and pregnancy don’t mix, but when are babies most vulnerable to the effects of alcohol? The end of the first trimester appears to be the period when alcohol can wreak the most havoc on fetal development, causing physical deformities as well as behavioral and cognitive symptoms, accordi... read more..


Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Healthy Eating-Failure-Smoking-Diet

HEALTHY EATING: After smoking, a high-fat diet is the second most lethal habit.    According to a recent report in the Journal of the American Medical Association, smoking causes 400,000 deaths a year. High-fat diet causes 300,000. ... read more..

'The only thing in life achieved without effort is failure.' Not sure who said t...

"The only thing in life achieved without effort is failure." Not sure who said this, but it helps motivate us to try a new workout or recipe!5 Tips for Goal-Setting Successow.lyThe smart way to success: Here's how I set a SMART goal that helped me lose 25 pounds, which I've kept off for nearly seven years now. read more..


Birth Control Side Effects-Wise Person-Weight Gain

A wise person should consider that health is the greatest of all human blessings...

A wise person should consider that Health is the greatest of all human blessings....Good nutrition is no longer an option but a necessity....So, let food be your medicine... read more..

Weight gain, depression, and the 7 most common birth control side effects http:/...

Weight gain, depression, and the 7 most common birth control side effects http://ow.ly/8tlky7 Common Birth Control Side Effectsow.lyIs it your birth control?: Hormone-based birth control often comes with side effects, such as bloating or mood swings. Here are some solutions for... read more..


Regions Of The United States-One Of The Millions-Digestive Disorder-Healthy Lifestyle

Breaking news: if you're one of the millions of people with a serious digestive...

Breaking news: if you're one of the millions of people with a serious digestive disorder, you may benefit from more sunshine and vitamin D!Inflammatory Bowel Disease Less Common in Sunny States - Health News -...ow.lyTHURSDAY, Jan. 12 (Healthday News) — People who live in sunnier regions of the United States are less likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease,... read more..


We've got seven ways you can become healthier instantly! Did you make any health...

We've got seven ways you can become healthier instantly! Did you make any healthy changes for this year?7 Ways to Become Healthier Todayow.lyEasy lifestyle alterations : Think it's time to make some healthy lifestyle adjustments? We are always up for a challenge. Try these healthful... read more..


Nutritional Deficiencies-Chronic Diseases-Office Workers-Healthday News-Food Choices

Today, more than 95% of all chronic diseases are caused by food choices, toxic f...

Today, more than 95% of all chronic diseases are caused by Food Choices, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise. read more..

Being bored at work can be really, really bad for your health! http://ow.ly/8tlal

Being bored at work can be really, really bad for your health! http://ow.ly/8tlalBored Workers Often Turn to Chocolate, Booze, Study Finds - Health News...ow.lyFRIDAY, Jan. 13 (Healthday News) — Chronic boredom grips one-fourth of office workers, which may affect their quality of work as well as their... read more..


Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Martin Luther King Jr-Healthy Eating-Great Strides-Balanced Diet


ADOPT HEALTHY EATING -- YOUR WAY TO HEALTH & FITNESS: Your choice of diet can influence your long term health prospects more than any other action you might take... A balanced diet is the first step to live a beautiful & healthy life. read more..

Today we honor Martin Luther King Jr. for the great strides he helped make for e...

Today we honor Martin Luther King Jr. for the great strides he helped make for equality in this country. What other heroes, past and present, do you admire?Get Really Inspiredow.lyRelax and recharge for a healthy life: Feeling tied down by a mile-long list of to-do’s? Check off every single one with these get-motivated... read more..


Health Benefits Of Red Wine-University Of Connecticut-Health News

Is anyone else getting a little sick of scientists flip-flopping over whether wi...

Is anyone else getting a little sick of scientists flip-flopping over whether wine is healthy or not? Here's the latest...Red Wine Researcher Said to Falsify Data - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comTHURSDAY, January 12, 2012 (Health.com) — The University of Connecticut has notified 11 scientific journals that research on the potential health benefits of red wine led by one of its faculty members appears to contain falsified and fabricated data.Following a three-year investigation, a university... read more..


'Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now...

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."7 Ways to Become Healthier Todayow.lyEasy lifestyle alterations : Think it's time to make some healthy lifestyle adjustments? We are always up for a challenge. Try these healthful... read more..


Monday, 16 January 2012

Savory Muffins-Diet Cookbook-Mini Muffins-Feta Cheese-Plant Foods

DID YOU KNOW: The only foods that contain immune strengthening and cancer fighti...

DID YOU KNOW: The only foods that contain immune strengthening and cancer fighting nutrients are plant foods.....there is a strong medical evidence that eating plant foods is a gateway to optimal nutritional health. read more..

Our Recipe of the Day comes straight out of our latest CarbLovers Diet Cookbook....

Our Recipe of the Day comes straight out of our latest CarbLovers Diet Cookbook. These mini muffins are easy to make and only about 100 calories each.Mini Corn and Feta Muffinsow.lyMini Corn and Feta Muffins - These savory muffins get a flavor kick from feta cheese and buttermilk. They’re easy to whip up on a weeknight and go... read more..


Lily Tomlin-Relaxation-Tension-Relief-Motto

'For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.' Love this quote from Lily Tomlin! An...

"For fast-acting relief, try slowing down." Love this quote from Lily Tomlin! Anyone who's ever broken a Bone or twisted an ankle because they weren't paying attention needs to heed this advice! 14 Surprising Facts About Healthy Boneswww.health.com(Don’t) break a leg: It’s easy to take bones for granted and ignore them until you break one or are diagnosed with bone-thinning in old age. In fact, you may not really consider your bones a resource that needs life-long protection and nurturing. read more..


“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” This is an...

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” This is an old Chinese Proverb...what's your motto for a mellower life?9 Things to Stop Worrying Aboutow.lyIn the old daysjust a few years ago, in facthealth misinformation would spread slowly. Not today. read more..


Health Disaster-Human Frame-Doctor-Drugs

The Doctor of Future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather...

The Doctor of Future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent diseases with nutrition....Diet is the essential key to all successful healing....take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live... read more..

Have you ever had a health disaster? Here's what you must know about the ER!

Have you ever had a health disaster? Here's what you must know about the ER!3 Secrets to Getting Better Care at the ERow.lyKeep a cheat sheet in your wallet: No one likes to visit the ER, but if you have to, here's how to make the experience as painless as possible. read more..


Does Cooking Fish And Seafood-Beautiful Body-Fish Recipes-Exercise

Does cooking fish and seafood seem intimidating? It's not...it's so easy, so hea...

Does cooking fish and seafood seem intimidating? It's not...it's so easy, so healthy (no, it's not cheap but we make up for it in other ways). Try these easy fishes and let us know if you think!10 Healthy Fish Recipeswww.health.comA sea of options: If you're sick of soups and can't stand another chicken casserole, sample these 10 fantastic fish recipes. read more..


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.-Edwa...

Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.-Edward Smith-Stanley http://ow.ly/8fa7M10 Minutes to All-Over Tonedow.lyGo for the gold: Get a more beautiful body in less than 10 minutes a day with these fat-blasting (and energizing) moves from trainer Erin O’Brien,... read more..


Sunday, 15 January 2012

Nutritious Foods-Health Benefits-Hearing-Spinach

HEALTH BENEFITS OF SPINACH: Spinach is one of the most nutritious foods available....low in calories & high in vitamins. Below are eleven reasons why spinach should find its way into your grocery bag... read more..

Health needs your help! We're interested in hearing about your doctor experience...

Health needs your help! We're interested in hearing about your doctor experiences: What is the worst thing a doctor has ever said to you? What was something your doctor said that made you convinced she was great? Send an email with your response to kate_lowenstein@health.com read more..


Healthday News-Health News-Diet-ADHD

Diet and ADHD: There's been a lot of debate on this page about this topic, and a...

Diet and ADHD: There's been a lot of debate on this page about this topic, and a new study sheds some light. Diet Might Have Some Effect on ADHD - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comBy Jenifer GoodwinHealthDay ReporterMONDAY, Jan. 9 (Healthday News) — There’s limited evidence that any particular diet or supplement helps kids with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but at least some research suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may help while fatty “Western-style” die... read more..


Colon Cancer-Main Dish-Red Meat

People who eat red meat as a main dish five or more times a week have four times...

People who eat red meat as a main dish five or more times a week have four times the risk of colon cancer than people who eat red meat less than once a month...red meat are identified as beef, veal, mutton, pork, goat and lamb !!! read more..

Health is the thing that makes you feelthat now is the best time of the year.-...

Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year. -Franklin P. Adams http://ow.ly/8fa2aThe 20 Best Moments in Women's Healthow.lyThe best of times: Gallery of the most important moments in women's health history of the past 20 years read more..


Healthday News-Health News-Smoke

Did you ever know someone in your family who smoke, ate what they wanted, then l...

Did you ever know someone in your family who smoke, ate what they wanted, then lived to 100? Any idea why some people can live so long? Here's a study that attempts an answer....Why Some People Live to 110 - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comSUNDAY, Jan. 8 (Healthday News) — People who live 110 years or longer have as many disease-associated genes as those in the general population, but they may also be blessed with protective genes that help them live so long, researchers report.The team of U.S. scientists noted that supercentenarians,... read more..


Thursday, 12 January 2012


To ward off disease or recover health, people as a rule find it easier to depend...

To ward off disease or recover health, people as a rule find it easier to depend on healers than to attempt the more difficult task of living wisely !!!! read more..

31 Ways to power your workout, get slimmer, feel amazing! What's working for you...

31 Ways to power your workout, get slimmer, feel amazing! What's working for you in 2012? http://ow.ly/8kcsY31 Ways to Energize Your Workoutow.lyBored with your workout? We can help! Here are 31 ways to inject some excitement back into your daily exercise routine. read more..


Processed Food-Carbohydrates-Poor Health-Superfoods

HOW Sugar AND REFINED CARBOHYDRATES CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH? HOW SUGAR AND REFINED CARBOHYDRATES CAN HARM YOUR HEALTH: If you consider how much sugar and processed food many people are eating on a regular basis, the prevalence of obesity and poor health shouldn’t be all that surprising. ... read more..

Health picks America's Healthiest Superfoods (they can help you lose weight, too...

Health picks America's Healthiest Superfoods (they can help you lose weight, too!) http://ow.ly/8kcD8America’s Healthiest Superfoodsow.lyYou love to eat, but you also love to feel great. You can do both if you choose foods that make you smarter, leaner, strongerand then use them in... read more..


Organic Wheat Grass-Breakfast Choices-Egg Mcmuffin-Fast Food

AMAZING GRASS - THE ORGANIC WHEAT GRASS THE ORGANIC WHEAT GRASS is one of nature’s most powerful sources of green leafy vegetable nutrition. Just one scoop in your favorite beverage helps u achieve ur recommended 5 to 9 daily servings of vegetables. ... read more..

Do you ever just really crave an Egg McMuffin? When you need fast food for break...

Do you ever just really crave an Egg McMuffin? When you need fast food for breakfast, you're in good company -- just make sure the breakfast you choose is on our list of America's Healthiest list...America's Healthiest Fast-Food Breakfastswww.health.comTimes have changed: Check out Health's top 10 fast-food breakfast choices and some to skip read more..


High Fiber Food-Healthday News-Drug Shortage-Alternatives-Heart Attack

FOODS THAT CAN KEEP YOU HALE & HEARTY:OATS: this high fiber food lowers bad cholesterol.FISH: super rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of a Heart Attack by upto one - third.NUTS & SEEDS: walnuts and almonds are full of omega-3 fatty acids....they are also high in fibers, which prevent hunger and help control weight.LEGUMES: ... read more..

A shortage of ADHD drugs has parents seeking alternatives for their kids. Find o...

A shortage of ADHD drugs has parents seeking alternatives for their kids. Find out your options here...http://ow.ly/8lkd2ADHD Drug Shortage Pushes Parents to Seek Substitutes - Health News -...ow.lyBy Serena GordonHealthDay ReporterFRIDAY, Jan. 6 (Healthday News) — If the current shortage of some drugs used to treat... read more..


Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Restaurant Meal-Health News-Nose

Have you ever eaten an entire restaurant meal, and barely tasted a bite? If so,...

Have you ever eaten an entire restaurant meal, and barely tasted a bite? If so, you must read this breaking news on a new strategy that can help you lose weight. Can Mindfulness Curb Restaurant Overeating? - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comMONDAY, January 9, 2012 (Health.com) — Supersized portions and high-calorie dishes in restaurants are often blamed for contributing to America’s obesity epidemic, and for good reason. People tend to carry more body fat if they eat out frequently, and they tend to consume more calories and fat in res... read more..


14 ways to get rid of a stuffed nose (for you or your kids) http://ow.ly/8lkpJ

14 ways to get rid of a stuffed nose (for you or your kids) http://ow.ly/8lkpJStuffy Nose? 14 Tips for Treating Kids' Coldsow.lyCough, sneeze, sniffle: Treating a kid’s cold is trickier than in the past. Even though parents may have once reached for over-the-counter cough... read more..


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Weight Loss Plan-Heart-Diet

Changing your diet isn't nearly as inconvenient as enduring a heart by pass oper...

Changing your diet isn't nearly as inconvenient as enduring a heart by pass operation, suffering a stroke, injecting insulin or facing chemotherapy....your choice of diet can influence your long term health prospects more than any other action you might take !!!!!! read more..

Have you ever used your phone to help you lose weight? If not, here's how!

Have you ever used your phone to help you lose weight? If not, here's how!Lose Weight and Get Fit with Your Phonewww.health.comTechnology: the new Weight Loss Plan: Want to lose weight? Use your phone! Let technology help you shed pounds and keep you on track. A sleeker, stronger body could be a tweet or Facebook post away. read more..


Quantity And Quality-Food Additives-Adhd Symptoms-ADHD

The key to health and happiness is associated with the quantity and quality of f...

The key to health and happiness is associated with the quantity and quality of food we consume... Quality - consists in not eating foods or drinking liquids harmful to stomach. Quantity - consists in not eating more than the stomach can easily digest. read more..

If your child has ADHD you must read this

If your child has ADHD you must read this 9 Food Additives That May Affect ADHDwww.health.comADHD and food additives: Here's a list of additives that may aggravate ADHD symptoms, although none (with the exception of Yellow 5) has been studied alone in humans. read more..


Natural Cold Remedies-Natural Remedies-Free Radicals-Excess

“EVERYTHING IN EXCESS IS OPPOSED TO NATURE”Most people know about free radicals...

“EVERYTHING IN EXCESS IS OPPOSED TO NATURE” Most people know about free radicals and how they attack our body and create disease. But, did you realize that one of the easiest ways to create an abundance of harmful free radicals in your body is by OVER EATING? Yes, the extra work put upon the mitochondria in each and every cell creates tremendous damage to the body. In other words, “Excess” KILLS. read more..

7 natural cold remedies. Which ones really work for you? http://ow.ly/8lkrj

7 natural cold remedies. Which ones really work for you? http://ow.ly/8lkrjTop 7 Natural Cold Remedies: Do They Work?ow.lyEchinacea: You may swear by echinacea, goldenseal, vitamin C and zinc, but do natural remedies really help fight colds and flu? Our experts weigh... read more..


Monday, 9 January 2012

Special Equipment-Bethenny Frankel-Mental Function-Beautiful Body-Health News

Oh, great...mental sharpness starts slipping at 45. Not that we're 45. And can't...

Oh, great...mental sharpness starts slipping at 45. Not that we're 45. And can't find our keys. No. Just making conversation! Memory, Mental Function Begin Slipping as Early as Age 45 - Health News - Health.comnews.health.comTHURSDAY, January 5, 2012 (Health.com) — For years, many experts have maintained that the subtle changes in memory and mental function that occur naturally as we get older rarely begin before age 60. That may be optimistic: A new study, published today in the British Medical Journal, suggests that a... read more..


We're loving Bethenny Frankel's fast workout...you don't need a gym or any speci...

We're loving Bethenny Frankel's fast workout...you don't need a gym or any special equipment. In fact, you can try it right now! http://ow.ly/8lkM1Bethenny's Beautiful Body Secret: Fast Yogaow.lyBethenny's yoga tricks: We’ve got one more reason to love Bethenny Frankel: This supercharged yoga routine you can knock off in 15 minutes flat. read more..


Heart Disease And Diabetes-High Blood Pressure-High Triglycerides-Health Conditions

The world is full of people who are taking dozens of medications unnecessarily....

The world is full of people who are taking dozens of medications unnecessarily. Oh, the medicine is definitely necessary to manage their health conditions - except that many of those conditions would disappear if the people would simply change their habits. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, sleep apnea, heart disease and diabetes - many of these ailments are directly related to obesity and resolve themselves with just a change in lifestyle habits. read more..